「フランスでコースの中でも外でも応援してくれたみなさんに感謝している。落車はラッキーだったと思う。どこも骨折していないと思うよ! こんな日もあるさ!!」
I hope @jakob_fuglsang is ok. Didn't throw away my water bottle, it fell out of the bidon cage. Apologies for crash and injuries #TDF
jurgen vdb (@vdb_jurgen) 2014, 7月 18
I feel really sorry for it @jakob_fuglsang i really could not do anything about it #reallysorry
jurgen vdb (@vdb_jurgen) 2014, 7月 18
Thx 4 all the support on & off the French roads. Think I was lucky in my crash & don't feel like anything is broken! shit happens!!
Jakob Fuglsang (@jakob_fuglsang) 2014, 7月 18
Tomorrow will for sure be painful but tour is still long and hope to be back in front helping in the Pyrenees! #WEW1N
Jakob Fuglsang (@jakob_fuglsang) 2014, 7月 18